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Natural England currently seeking feedback on "Coastal access in Cornwall: Penzance to St Mawes" until 13 November

Coastal access in Cornwall: Penzance to St Mawes

Find out about the progress of improving coastal access – including maps, process and timing – in Cornwall.

Stage 4: Determine

On Wednesday 18 September 2019 Natural England submitted a collection of reports to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs setting out the proposals for improved access to the coast between Penzance and St Mawes.

You can now read the reports

Anyone can comment on the proposals (make a representation). Landowners and occupiers can make an objection.

Representations and objections must reach Natural England by midnight, Wednesday 13 November 2019.

Objections are forwarded for consideration by an independent planning inspector appointed by the Secretary of State. The inspector will make recommendations to the Secretary of State in respect of each one.

Natural England may not make any further changes to the reports as a result of the representations and objections, but will make comments about them for consideration by the Secretary of State and, in the case of objections, the appointed person (an inspector from the Planning Inspectorate).

The Secretary of State will consider all the representations and objections before making a decision about Natural England’s reports.



Penzance to St Mawes overview

Penzance to St Mawes index map

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Penzance to St Mawes habitats regulations assessment: Fal and Helford Special Area of Conservation (SAC)

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Penzance to St Mawes habitats regulations assessment: The Lizard Special Area of Conservation (SAC)

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Penzance to St Mawes habitats regulations assessment: Lizard Point Special Area of Conservation (SAC)

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Penzance to St Mawes habitats regulations assessment: Marazion Marsh Special Protection Area (SPA)

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Penzance to St Mawes nature conservation assessment

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PSM 2: East Marazion to Sea Meads

PSM 3: Sea Meads to Loe Bar

PSM 4: Loe Bar to Mullion Cove

PSM 7: Dolor Point to Porthoustock

PSM 8: Porthoustock to Carne

PSM 9: Carne to St Mawes Pier

Form to make an objection to the proposals

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Notes on making an objection

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Form to make a representation about the proposals

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Notes on making a representation

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