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PA22/05411 | Outline application for 40 units with associated open space. All matters reserved except access (resubmission of PA


PA22/05411 | Outline application for 40 units with associated open space. All matters reserved except access (resubmission of PA21/05008). | Land North West Of Angarrack Lane Angarrack Lane Connor Downs Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JF
Reference PA22/05411
Alternative Reference PP-11307200
Application Validated Mon 20 Jun 2022
Address Land North West Of Angarrack Lane Angarrack Lane Connor Downs Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JF
Proposal Outline application for 40 units with associated open space. All matters reserved except access (resubmission of PA21/05008).
Status Awaiting decision
Appeal Status Unknown
Appeal Decision  

There are 25 documents associated with this application.

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Outline Application with some matters reserved for up to forty units with associated open space - Land North West Of Angarrack Lane Angarrack Lane Connor Downs Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JF

Ref. No: PA21/05008 | Received date: Tue 11 May 2021 | Status: Pending Consideration | Case Type: Planning Application

Heads of Terms

Angarrack Lane, Connor Downs

Affordable Housing

On site provision 50%
60% Affordable Rented
40% Shared Ownership
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Date Published Document Type Measure Drawing Number Description View
  29 Jun 2021 Plan - Site and Block Measure document icon 0101A   View document icon
  28 Jun 2021 Assessment - Open Space Measure document icon    View document icon
  28 Jun 2021 Plan - Site Location Measure document icon 100   View document icon
  17 Jun 2021 Statement - Affordable Housing Measure document icon    View document icon
  17 Jun 2021 Statement - Design and Access Measure document icon    View document icon
  17 Jun 2021 Supporting Information Measure document icon  HEAD OF TERMS View document icon
  17 Jun 2021 Statement - Planning Measure document icon    View document icon
  11 May 2021 Miscellaneous Measure document icon  ECOLOGICAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT View document icon
  11 May 2021 Tree Survey/Report Measure document icon  TREE SURVEY REPORT View document icon
  11 May 2021 Plan - Other Measure document icon  20102 - 001 - B - HIGHWAY ACCESS View document icon
  11 May 2021 Plan - Other Measure document icon  20102 - 002 - A - TRANSPORT LINKS View document icon
  11 May 2021 Assessment - Transport Measure document icon  20102 - ANGARRACK LANE CONNOR DOWNS - TRANSPORT STATEMENT A View document icon
  11 May 2021 Plan - Other Measure document icon  1701_0120_P1_IMPERMEABLE AREA PLAN View document icon
  11 May 2021 Plan - Drainage Measure document icon  1701_0500_P1_ATTENUATED DRAINAGE LAYOUT View document icon
  11 May 2021 Plan - Drainage Measure document icon  1701_0505_P1_INFILTRATED DRAINAGE LAYOUT View document icon
  11 May 2021 Plan - Other Measure document icon  1701_ATTENUATION POND DESIGN View document icon
  11 May 2021 Correspondence Measure document icon  1701_INFILTRATION POND DESIGN View document icon
  11 May 2021 Assessment - Flood Risk Measure document icon  FLOOD RISK ASSESSEMNT View document icon
  11 May 2021 Assessment - Land Contamination Measure document icon  GEO-ENVIRONMENTAL DESK TOP STUDY View document icon
 11 May 2021Application Form Measure document icon  APPLICATION FORM View document icon





Comments as of 28 Jun 2022


Mrs Alison Atkins

Comment submitted date: Tue 28 Jun 2022

Further to my previous comments, perhaps it would be useful if the Planning Committee liaise with the Education Department to ascertain the availability of school places when considering developments in Cornwall as there is no point building houses where children cannot go to school.
The Consultee comments never seem to include comments from the Education Department and that would be of paramount importance when deciding where to build family homes.

Comment submitted date: Tue 28 Jun 2022

I strongly object to this development. I have previously submitted my comments under the original planning number and those comments still stand. Please re-read all previous comments.
The new plans involve moving the entrance to the estate which will make no difference. Angarrack Lane is a LANE and will always remain so.
By removing the verges in order to widen the lane, you are taking away what little safe refuge there is for pedestrians and dog walkers.
There is no capacity at the village school to take any more children , let alone approximately 60 children from the new development in Connor Downs in Greenbank and this new proposed development which could see another 80 children living in the village. A total of an extra 140 children with no access to a local school within walking distance. The school is on a limited physical site and cannot expand.
Several times a day we would have 80 cars leaving the development for work or school run purposes.
The road at the top of Angarrack Lane is extremely busy with farm vehicles, Riviera Produce etc, going out to the packing station in Leedstown. There is always a queue of traffic up there.
One section of the applicant's documents refers to Prouts Lane which would run behind the development as a means of accessing the village by foot.
This is a muddy,overgrown single person width track which is not suitable for children or parents with pushchairs to navigate. It is also unlit and would not be safe in the Winter evenings.
The documents talk about the amenities in the village. I have lived here for over 50 years and have never seen a butchers or bakers here. Indeed our only retail premises is a small shop in the petrol station.
There are no pedestrian crossings in the village and we have a terrible problem with speeding vehicles. Despite there being a 30mph limit; we have to endure traffic racing through at speeds over 70mph.
Connor Downs has borne the brunt of development in the parish. We now have over 800 homes here. The applicant is using out of date data.
There are no work or school opportunities here so any new development would increase traffic.
Our fields must be used for food production and security particularly in these uncertain global times.
I hope that you will refuse permission for this unneccessary overdevelopment of our village.

Mr Ron Haxby

Comment submitted date: Mon 27 Jun 2022

I wish to support this application. I do not live in the area but have friends and family that do and their children are of the age looking to buy their first homes. Unfortunately due to the lack of affordable homes in the area this seems like an almost impossible task for them. I do not for the life of me understand the logic of anyone who objects to an affordable lead scheme such as this which helps keep the community alive and helps local people to remain local. This looks like a well thought out development and is being provided by Treveth, Cornwalls own housing provider so surely if anyone can provide affordable, well built homes for local people it would be them. Please Cornwall Council do not allow the fortunate few who can afford homes in the area no matter what, who are the worst type of hypocritical NIMBYs, spoil the chances of the few, by refusing this application, instead let common sense prevail and grant permission.

Mrs Marilyn Pascoe-Jones

Comment submitted date: Mon 27 Jun 2022

This proposed destruction of yet more green spaces is another nail in the coffin of the Cornwall I grew up in. The lane which these properties will be accessed by is already in regular use by locals seeking to avoid the traffic jams on the main roads between Hayle and beyond heading both north and south. These traffic jams are already causing major problems for those of us who live here trying to go about our daily business.
The noise and lorries etc associated with any kind of build will significantly impact on those living nearby.
This is a country lane, with green fields on either side, with habitat for wildlife on either side, that will be lost for ever. It is no good saying you will plant trees etc, the loss of existing trees and fields destroys the wildlife corridors that are essential to protect our already decimated flora and fauna.
Ever day there is a further planning application to build more and more and more. It has to be curtailed at some point.
Please please STOP the destruction of Cornwall.

Mrs Eirian Pascoe-Jones

Comment submitted date: Mon 27 Jun 2022

This application to build 40 homes accessed via a pleasant country lane will cause major problems to not only the residents of Connor Downs, but to the locals who use this lane to avoid the significant hold ups on the main road between Hayle and Camborne, and the A30.
It will add to delays and traffic jams, plus create noise and disruption to homes near by.
The other consideration, and to my mind, the most important, is the further destruction of habitat on a green site, affecting local wildlife populations. How many more fields, grassland and hedgerows must be lost in this relentless destruction of Cornwall?
The addition of 40 homes is yet another influx of people impacting on our local services including our local hospitals and other health services that are already bursting at the seams.
This lane gives me pleasure to drive along at the moment, please do not destroy this for monetary gain that never benefits the local residents.

Mrs Marylyn Kennard

Comment submitted date: Mon 27 Jun 2022

We object to this application on the following grounds:

Infrastructure is not there to support any more high density development. Along with all the current development in Connor Downs, schools, doctors surgeries etc are already over subscribed.

Roads are not suitable for additional traffic. The lane is narrow and the only access to this estate will be onto Angarrack Lane which is poorly maintained and already subject to more traffic than it can cope with. Angarrack is used as a bypass during peak times and frequently when the A30 is blocked by accidents etc since it is the ONLY way to avoid Loggans Moor roundabouts. Already large commercial vehicles as well as local traffic trundle through the village and this would encourage another 40 properties and their associated commercial traffic to travel down through the village. There are no footpaths on this lane and very few passing spaces but there are a lot of potholes and a bare tar surface which is very slippery especially when wet.

Although shown as "affordable" housing, properties in this development would not be affordable for most local people. There are already several new developments in Connor Downs, very little of which have proved to be affordable for those locals starting on the housing ladder.

We therefore strongly object to this devlopment.

Marylyn & Martin Kennard

Mr John White

Comment submitted date: Mon 27 Jun 2022

Can I once again strongly object to this resubmitted planning application for the same reasons I tabled in my objection to PA21/05008 Since then the traffic situation in Angarrack Lane has unfortunately got worse as local & regular holiday traffic continue to use the road as an access to Hayle etc when Roseworthy dip has it's accident & congestion problems The speed of some drivers is of concern especially for the regular horse riders cyclists runners & dog walkers that use the Lane daily The existing Lane was certainly not constructed for this increased activity & to add another 40 homes to the existing infrastructure is frankly not sustainable Finally I must agree with other objections that the impact on school doctor's & local amenities would seriously struggle with this planning application

Mrs Christine Ellis

Comment submitted date: Sun 26 Jun 2022

I object to this planning application as we haven't got enough facilities for more houses. Angarrack Road isn't safe for the extra cars that will come with the new houses.

Mr Paul Trethewey

Comment submitted date: Sun 26 Jun 2022

The description of the local services and facilities within Connor Downs in the "open space assessment" is somewhat exaggerated. The allotments in a field are shortly to be put up for sale, there is no post office (other than mobile once per week), no fish monger and the baker and butcher may be related to the farm shop.
Our property backs on to Angarrack lane which can get extremely busy during holiday periods or if there is an accident on the A30. It's hard to imagine that pedestrians and 2 vehicles will be able to use the widened lane at the same time!
3 adjoining fields are also up for sale, there has to be a limit to the number of additional properties permitted before local amenities (doctors, schools) and services (sewage etc) are overstretched.

Also with all of the recent development within Hayle, surely this area has met its quota of building for the foreseeable future.

Mrs susan elliott-rennard

Comment submitted date: Sun 26 Jun 2022

Connor Downs settlement boundary. What was the point of this if Cornwall Council can just over ride this.
The infrastructures and facilities will not be able to cope, they are struggling now

Miss Christine Keith

Comment submitted date: Sat 25 Jun 2022

I wish to object to this application for a second time and for the same reasons I objected to it last time. Connor Downs will have had nearly 200 properties built in the last 10 years. These include 30 affordable properties, which have yet to be built on the land east of Greenbank under planning reference PA19/00988. These more than meet the affordable requirements needed in the village. The Academy school is at capacity, with no room for expansion. The only amenities in the village are the garage and Spar shop and Turnpike Inn. There is a mobile post office and a fish and chip van, which come once a week. This means that everyone uses their cars to go shopping and for day to day activities This traffic will have to be added to what goes through either Connor Downs itself or through Angarrack. The amount of vehicles already speeding through the village is a great concern. Angarrack Lane is a rat run for traffic trying to avoid driving through the village at peak times. There is no room in various places for 2 cars to pass, with farm vehicles also needing to use the lane. It is probable that if the application is passed you can add a further 80 vehicles needing to enter and access the lane from an already dangerous junction at the top of Horsepool. This would also increase the traffic into Angarrack itself and I am sure the villagers living there do not want any extra traffic to head in their direction. Connor Downs Surgery is under a lot of pressure and this is before the 30 additional families who will be living in Greenbank are taken on. The original planning application for these houses under reference PA21/05008 was refused quite rightly and I trust this application will also be refused again.




Mr Ian Horne

Comment submitted date: Fri 24 Jun 2022

I submit this comment as Chairperson of Connor Downs Residents Association and following discussion with a number of residents I have been asked to forward the following on the above Planning application in Angarrack Lane.

We are concerned about the application for the developement of forty houses in Angarrack lane because :

1) The location is situated on a narrow rural lane which is hazardous to approach as a pedestrian given that at the start and finish of working days significant numbers of vehicles use the lane as a cut through, often at speeds above the posted speed limits.

2) There is no existing footpath along Angarrack Lane and very limited scope for the provision of one to facilitate a south westerly pedestrian approach to the location along its entire length, relevant to the application.

3) With a new development of forty houses presently in progress at Greenbank, Connor Downs, the existing needs of local persons able to access affordable homes will be exceeded.

4) The popular opinion is that out of date and therefore inaccurate information is being used to try to push through this application, not for the benefit of the local population but to bring into the village new development for persons wishing to move into the county from outside and for profit rather than for local need.

5) Presently there is a wait for patients wishing to see a doctor at the local surgery of four to seven days and that is before the Greenbank development comes into being. It is our argument that this application could cause a worrying strain on medical services within the village as they exist now.

6) There are very limited facilities within the village for social interaction between the existing residents consisting of a WI Hall with a lease that is nearing its end and unlikely to be renewed from our current understanding and a small Sunday School hall that has a safe capacity of around forty persons. It is noted that there is no provision made in the current application for a gathering point for residents that would occupy the development.

7) The Connor Downs Academy which provides schooling for the younger children of current village residents and those of an age that we would expect to occupy this application, is situated on a restricted site with no room for further expansion and at present is only just meeting the present and already existing future needs of the community.

8) The development would have a significant impact on the rural aspect of the current green field site and surrounding area and would be better used for much needed crop production in the era we now find ourselves living in, expanding the current boundary of the village significantly.

Mr Mark Bolt

Comment submitted date: Wed 22 Jun 2022

I am a resident of Angarrack, the access of which is via Angarrack Lane. The road is narrow and in places single track and then once in the Village the incline of the road causes traffic to travel at excess speed. This road is currently very busy and often used as a local "rat run" when there are problems on the A30. To add an additional 40 homes accessing this road will increase the flow of traffic through the village adding to the problems that already exist.


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