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Reasons for Refusal of PA12/10096 Coyte Farm development at St Austell

Thought that the seven reasons for the Strategic Planning Committee refusing permission for the Coyte Farm development proposals (PA12/10096 ) interesting see also Things to keep in mind when commenting on Planning

NB. this is an abridged extract (with added emphasis/highlights) of (extract via OCR be sure to check the original)


DATED: 21 January 2014 IDOX/REOUTZ Phil Mason Head of Planning and Regeneration

Notice of Refusal of Planning Permission



  1. The proposed retail elements of the application are likely to have a significant adverse impact on the vitality and viability of St Austell town centre and adversely affect planned investments in the centre and centres in the catchment area of the proposal because of the direct competition that it will pose and the financial impact it will have. As such the proposal is contrary to paragraphs 26 and 27 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
  2. The proposed supermarket fails to satisfy the sequential test of paragraphs 24, 26 and 27 of the NPPF because there is an alternative site at Pentewan Road which is suitable, viable and available and which is sequentially preferred due to better accessibility to the Primary Shopping Area of St Austell.
  3. The proposed Shopping Park, including the proposed restaurant, fails to satisfy the sequential test of paragraphs 24, 26 and 27 of the NPPF because there are alternative sites which are suitable, viable, and available within the Primary Shopping Area of St Austell.
  4. The proposed extra care units, care home, public house/hotel and link road between St Mewan Lane and the A390 would substantially harm the setting of a Grade II* Listed building, namely St Mewan Church and the listed Churchtown buildings. In the absence of substantial public benefit attached to the proposal, the application is therefore contrary to paragraph 17, 132 and 133 of the NPPF.
  5. The application site is a gateway location alongside a principal approach road to St Austell and the proposal replaces agricultural land (predominantly sub grade 3a) with high scale urban development that is split by the A390 and split into development zones to the detriment of the natural qualities of the area and of the rural distinctiveness to the entrance of St Austell. The application is therefore contrary to paragraphs 7, 17, 61 and 112 of the NPPF.
  6. The application fails to comply with the habitat directives in that there is no overriding public interest for the proposal and there would be a disturbance to foraging and commuting bats. The application is therefore contrary to paragraph 109 of the NPPF, the Conservation of Habitat and Species Regulations and Circular 6/2005.
  7. In the absence of a mechanism to secure the provision of contributions towards the St Austell Transportation Strategy, for which there is evidence of an identified need, the proposal is contrary to paragraphs 29, 30 and 32 of the NPPF and Connecting Cornwall: 2030. 

Description of Development: A Hybrid planning application comprising demolition of existing buildings and structures and mixed use redevelopment and associated infrastructure and works to include:

i) Full details of a Retail store of 10,191 square metres (gross internal area) (Use Class A1); a Petrol Filling Station of 53 square metres (gross internal area) (Sui Generis); a Shopping Park including 15,282 square metres (gross internal area) of Retail floorspace (Use Class A1) and 465 square metres (gross internal area) of Restaurant and Takeaway floorspace (Use Class A3/A5); works to St Mewan Churchyard including extending its boundary and provision of a new car park; provision of associated highway works and improvements including a new link road; associated means of access, internal estate road, earthworks, car parking, footpaths, landscaping, service infrastructure and other associated works and improvements.

ii) Outline with all matters reserved apart from access for 650 square metres (gross internal area) of Public House/Restaurant floorspace (Use Class A3/A4; 650 square metres (gross internal area) of Hotel floorspace (Use Class C1); 4,506 square metres (gross internal area) of Residential Care floorspace (Use Class C2) and 1,800 square metres (gross internal area) of Assisted Living/Extra Care floorspace (Use Class C2); improvements to St Mewan Community Primary School including enhanced on-site facilities; provision of a Golf Academy facility (Use Class D2); associated internal estate roads, earthworks. Car parking, footpaths, landscaping, service infrastructure and other associated works and improvements.

Location of Development: Land At Coyte Farm St Mewan St Austell Cornwall

Parish: St. Mewan

NB Notes, List of planning policies redacted

The Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by identifying matters of concern with this proposal. Members of the planning committee are not bound to accept the advice of officers. As officers advice has not been followed, reasonable planning grounds have been given for taking a contrary decision which is clearly set out in the reasons for refusal. The issues are so fundamental that it is not possible to negotiate a satisfactory way forward due to the harm that has been clearly identified within the reasons for refusal

DATED: 21 January 2014

Phil Mason Head of Planning, Housing and Regeneration