Village News

Christmas Lights

PA21/06511 | Replacement conservatory / orangery - Millbrook 2 Hatchs Hill Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5HY



Replacement conservatory / orangery - Millbrook 2 Hatchs Hill Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5HY

Ref. No: PA21/06511 | Received date: Thu 17 Jun 2021 | Status: Pending Consideration | Case Type: Planning Application

see also:

Listed Building Consent: Replacement conservatory / orangery - Millbrook 2 Hatchs Hill Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5HY

Ref. No: PA21/06514 | Received date: Thu 17 Jun 2021 | Status: Pending Consideration | Case Type: Planning Application



See also -

See also in Planning in Angarrack 2020:

PA20/08710 | Replacement of a dilapidated conservatory with a new orangery | Millbrook 2 Hatchs Hill Angarrack TR27 5HY

and Withdrawn | PA20/08710 | Replacement of a dilapidated conservatory with a new orangery | Millbrook 2 Hatchs Hill Angarrack




PA21/06511 | Replacement conservatory / orangery | Millbrook 2 Hatchs Hill Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5HY

Reference PA21/06511
Alternative Reference  
Application Validated Mon 19 Jul 2021
Address Millbrook 2 Hatchs Hill Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5HY
Proposal Replacement conservatory / orangery
Status Awaiting decision
Appeal Status Unknown
Appeal Decision  

There are 12 documents associated with this application.