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REFUSED: PA17/11763 | Removal of garden potting shed & construction of garage & artist studi. - 15 Steamers Hill Angarrack Hayle

  1. The proposed garage/studio, by virtue of its inappropriate mass and scale, taller than the principle listed building having an inappropriate design would causes harm to the setting and special architectural and historic interests of the Grade II Listed dwelling 15 Steamers Hill. It has not been demonstrated that there is any public benefit, or other justification, that outweighs the harm to the setting of the historic character of the building. The application thereby conflicts with Policies 1, 12 and 24 of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010-2030 (Adopted 22nd November 2016), Government policy 58, 126, and 134 of the National Planning Policy Framework and the duty imposed by section 66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. Furthermore, the refusal of this development is in accordance with paragraph 64 of the National Planning Policy Framework regarding poor design.


Removal of garden potting shed & construction of garage & artist studio. - 15 Steamers Hill Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JB

Ref. No: PA17/11763 | Received date: Mon 11 Dec 2017 | Status: Refusal | Case Type: Planning Application

Listed building consent application for removal of garden potting shed & construction of garage &artist studio. - 15 Steamers Hill Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JB

Ref. No: PA17/11764 | Received date: Mon 11 Dec 2017 | Status: Refusal | Case Type: Planning Application



Cornwall Council - Domestic alterations and extensions to existing dwellings
Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010 - 2030 Adopted 22nd November 2016
Policy 1 - Presumption in favour of sustainable development
Policy 12 - Design
Policy 24 - Historic environment
Policy 26 - Flood risk management and coastal change
Hayle Town Council Neighbourhood Area was designated in April 2014, The
Neighbourhood Development Plan has passed external examination.
Policies HB1 SD2 SD5
National Planning Policy Framework
Paragraph 9: Design
Paragraph 11: Development Plan
Paragraph 14: Presumption in favour of sustainable development
Paragraph 17: Design, residential amenity, countryside and conservation
Paragraph 58: Design
Paragraphs 99/100: Flood risk
Planning Practice Guidance
Cornwall Design Guide 2013


Illustrative Purposes only 2017/2561/D05 received 26/04/18
Site/location Plan 2017/2561/D01B received 30/04/18
Proposed 2017/2561/D02A received 28/03/18
Proposed 2017/2561/D03A received 28/03/18


Extract from Officer's Report


Balance of Considerations:

Visual Impact

It is considered that the proposed studio/garage which is not subservient in terms of
mass and scale than the principle listed building has an overbearing impact on the
setting of the listed building and the inappropriate design which is harmful is contrary
to Policy 12 and 24 of the CLP, with paragraphs 126, and 134 of the National
Planning Policy Framework 2012, and the duty imposed under section 66 (1) of the
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

Policy 12 of the CLP: Policy 12: confirms that "The Council is committed to achieving
high quality safe, sustainable and inclusive design
in all developments. Development must ensure Cornwall's enduring distinctiveness
and maintain and enhance its distinctive natural and historic character." The proposed
studio/garage building does not maintain and enhance the distinctive historic
character of the nearby Listed Building.

Policy 24 of the CLP: confirms that "proposals will be permitted where they would
sustain the cultural distinctiveness and significance of Cornwall's historic rural, urban
and coastal environment by protecting, conserving and where appropriate enhancing
the significance of designated and non-designated assets and their settings"
confirming that "Development proposals will be expected to sustain designated
heritage assets and that Great weight will be given to the conservation of the
Cornwall's heritage assets. Where development is proposed that would lead to
substantial harm to assets of the highest significance, including undesignated
archaeology of national importance, this will only be justified in wholly exceptional
circumstances. There are no exceptional circumstances which allow the provision of
the studio/garage in this sensitive location.

Paragraph 126 of the NPPF states that Local planning authorities "Should recognise
that heritage assets are an irreplaceable resource and conserve them in a manner
appropriate to their significance" desiring that new development should making a
positive contribution to local character and distinctiveness; The proposed

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studio/garage due to its scale and massing does not conserve the local character and
distinctiveness of the associated listed building.

Paragraph 134 of the NPPF states that "Where a development proposal will lead to
less than substantial harm to the significance of a designated heritage asset, this
harm should be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal". The proposed
studio/garage is considered to result in substantial harm upon the character of the
Listed Building and there is no public benefit from the proposal.

Residential Impact

The proposed development would result in some loss of to the occupiers of the
adjacent dwellings as a result of overlooking it is not considered that the impact
would, on balance, be so significant as to justify refusal of permission. This is because
had the proposal been supported the windows to the North elevation would have been
obscure glazed and fixed closed by condition. The proposed development is not
considered to be overbearing or cause overshadowing to the neighbouring dwellings.




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