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Comments | PA20/00542 | Proposed House Extension and Alterations, Constructions of New Workshop. | Fairwinds 16 Back Lane Angarr

Andrew And Helen James

Comment submitted date: Wed 26 Feb 2020

I write in connection with the above planning application. We have examined the plans and wish to raise our concerns over the application and object to the development of the new workshop in the proposed location.
Our back garden is adjacent to Fairwinds on the SE side. The location of the proposed new workshop is elevated at a much higher level than Fairwinds main house and garden and will sit high above our boundary wall. The position of the door with glass panels either side, will face our garden and from that area overlook our garden and into our conservatory living area and bedrooms causing a concern over loss of privacy.
The area where the workshop will be positioned, has its own entrance off Back Lane and a parking space. The plans also show it will be fitted with a toilet and sink. If planning is granted, are there any restrictions to it being converted into a residential property in the future? Being turned into an Airbnb would be a big concern. Although it's been said that this is not an immediate plan, it could happen in the future and we would then suffer from potential noise, disturbance and lack of privacy from a high turnover of visitors. Even as a workshop used by the family, at such a high level, the natural direction of your eye is to overlook our property, so privacy would always be an issue. We therefore ask that when deliberating this planning, specifically the additional workshop building, you consider all possible aspects of the development.

Back Lane:
Back Lane is narrow with insufficient width for 2 vehicles to pass with very few spaces for passing. It is a dead end, consequently, all traffic needs to turn around which is usually in the entrance of Mellanoweth House. Access for larger vehicles is undesirable due to the narrow and restricted nature of Back Lane.
We first highlighted our concerns in January 2015, writing to Cornwall Council about the increase of vehicles, especially delivery vans and heavier vehicles using Back Lane. The entrance to Mellanoweth House is opposite to our boundary, which steeply slopes below Back Lane. The pressure exerted by these vehicles against our boundary hedge was causing it to slip.
In April 2018 we wrote again to Cornwall Council following our boundary wall being hit, and the garden door and concrete archway being knocked down.
The increase of vehicles using Back Lane is a concern.
Sewage System:
As new properties are built, additional pressure is being put on the mains sewer through Angarrack. The sewer systems are not maintained or upgraded to cope with the increased village population.
In May 2011 we wrote to Hayle Town Council to share our flooding problems associated with the sewer which comes from Wall, Reawla and Gwinear, into Angarrack. The Council were fully supportive of us in asking South West Water to carry out a full investigation of the main sewer and to carry out any necessary remedial works. Cleansing and maintenance were carried out, but we were told by the SWW men that the 6-inch pitch fibre pipe laid originally, is not capable of servicing the ever-growing village.
We would like this to be taken into consideration when making your decision with another new outlet coming from the new workshop.
We trust that a site meeting will be held so that you can see the location for yourself and why the proposed workshop causes us the main concern.


Mr Malcolm Roberts

Comment submitted date: Sun 23 Feb 2020

Flooding risk to ours and adjacent properties is our main concern.
This proposed development together with existing sheds and a large (23ft long) office building newly built and associated pathways, will mean that most of the open soil and garden will not exist. Some trees and hedging have been removed and traditional cornish walls have been replaced with solid walling. It all looks very neat but does not absorb water. Further removal of trees and hedging should be discouraged. The water-table in the flood plain which exists below the property is only a few inches below surface level. Many gardens contain natural springs and wells so run off from upper levels could cause problems and even flooding to several properties, especially during winter, spring and autumn storms, also summer thunderstorms if slow moving, or held in a convergence zone, (aka Copperhouse, Coverack and Boscastle).
Diverting rainwater to the main sewer system, which runs along the flood plain is not a good solution at the present time. This is currently heavily overloaded. On two occasions in the last couple of months multiple mobile gulping tankers have had to be deployed for several days at the downstream end of the village, in order to remove water from the sewer.This situation will become worse in the near future when the new builds in the village, some of which are still under construction, become occupied and start to deposit their water into it.


Mrs Marylyn Kennard

Comment submitted date: Sun 23 Feb 2020

The proposed demolition/building works would be overdevelopment of a small site and would impact badly on neighbouring properties - the privacy of those in Riverside below this development would be severely compromised and those along Back Lane disrupted for a very long time.

A lot of building work - including "offices" the windows of which overlook a property below - newly constructed against the boundaries of adjacent properties has already taken place, changing the water table and causing flooding into gardens. Why is another building complete with plumbing needed when this has not long been built?

The existing house is perfectly adequate and there appears to be no reason to demolish it. If a larger property is required then there are plenty on the market. Demolition and reconstruction would cause severe disruption to the area. Back Lane is single track, poorly maintained by Cornwall Council and has already suffered much damage by current building - the lane is too narrow for lorries and unsuitable for additional traffic. The camber at the poorly widened entrance to Back Lane causes some vehicles to get stuck and many supplies have to be offloaded on Steamer's Hill. There is a bottleneck under the railway viaduct where stones have been knocked out of retaining walls, trees damaged and road surface broken up.

Water supplies to Riverside are all in Back Lane and construction traffic had already damaged some stopcocks/pipework. Are South West Water prepared to run a proper main along Riverside to safeguard all these properties' water supply??

We strongly object to such a large unnecessary development.

Martin & Marylyn Kennard


Mr M Witheridge

Comment submitted date: Tue 18 Feb 2020

Please see related documents to view comments

PA20/00542 | Proposed House Extension and Alterations, Constructions of New
Workshop. | Fairwinds 16 Back Lane Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 SJE

Dear Sirs,

I am writing to you to OBJECT to the above application. My objection is based mainly on
two reasons, which are as follows:

i) My neighbour (Mrs. B.Y. Clatworthy of 22 Riverside, Angarrack) and I both receive our |
water supply from a joint water supply pipe, which runs, | believe, from a stop tapin Back
Lane, through the garden of Mr. and Mrs. Barnicoat (who reside in the property for which the
application is being made) and then down into Mrs. Clatworthy’s garden. There it divides,
one branch serving Mrs. Clatworthy’s property and one branch serving the property of my
wife and myself (namely, No. 21 Riverside.)

Both Mrs. Clatworthy and I have contacted S.W.Water to ask whether they hold any records
of where the supply runs through the gardens but in each case the reply has been that they do
not hold such records. S.W. Water has suggested to Mrs. Clatworthy that a groundwork
expert could be called in to establish where the pipe actually runs. Apparently, Mr.
Barnicoat’s response to such a suggestion was to say that he preferred to wait and see and to
deal with the problem as and when it occurs. Now that could cause problems as, if a building
such as the planned “workshop” is constructed over the pipe, and a leak developed, it could
mean having to “dig down”, even through a concrete floor, to discover where the leak is.
That would involve delay and possible loss of water supply for an appreciable time. It would
seem to me that a better approach would be to investigate the matter before building in order
to locate the water pipe and then, if need be, possibly to either replace it or divert it in order
to avoid any problems in the future.

The present supply pipe consists of black alkathene, which makes a leak highly probable in
the near future. )

ii) My second objection concerns the fact that my wife’s and my property will be
overlooked to an even greater extent than it is at the moment. The double storey extension,
replacing the single storey “bungalow” part of the present dwelling, will be almost directly
behind our house and will look directly over our property. With the increased height of the
building, this must result in a loss of seclusion and privacy. There also now appears to be
less screening (by trees and shrubs) than there was between the properties some few years
I think the above reasons for objection are extremely valid ones and I hope that you will
examine them very closely when you consider the application.



K Linderman

Comment submitted date: Fri 14 Feb 2020

Please see related documents to view comments

I wish to object to the above planning application for the following

After moving into No 16 Backlane, Mr & Mrs Barnicoat built a property
behind and 2 metres above our property on ground that was a garden
(Chy Benyngoth). Since then, the rear of our house becomes inundated
with water almost every time it rains.

| understand a soakaway was dug down 2 metres to take water from the
roof etc, which brings the bottom of it: ‘level with our ground.

It is because of this | am concerned that increasing the concrete "footprint
" of the proposed house; extension,conservatory and so called workshop
will add to my water problems.

Also a new concrete block wall has been built at the end of my next door
neighbours garden, replacing a Cornish hedge.

Water has built up on Mr Barnicoats side of the wall and has flooded his
office, necessitating the use of pumps to clear the water. Because of this
another area of my garden now becomes waterlogged as the water
cannot slowly peculate through the ground as it once did.

| have lived in Angarrack over 30 years and have never had these
problems before.

I encose a plan maked up to assist with visualising my concerns.



Mrs B Clatworthy

Comment submitted date: Tue 11 Feb 2020

Please see related documents to view comments

I am writing to object to the above planning application for the following reasons:-

The proposed extension to the property is situated directly above my property, the single storey part of the property is
to be replaced by a double storey extension which will look directly into my property. |
Mr and Mrs Barnicoat have assured me that the shrubs in front of their property wil! remain, but what will happen after
planning is approved or they choose to sell their property? | feel this will massively effect my privacy and devalue my

When Mr and Mrs Barnicoat moved in they wanted to remove the Cornish stone boundary , cut down trees and replace
it with a concrete wall. | agreed to have the trees removed as they were old and at risk of falling down. After lots of
discussions with my son it was agreed that a wall could be built on condition it would not be built on my water pipe
which is shared between me and my neighbour. The wall was constructed with a gap over the water pipe. The problem
| now have is that water from their property comes through this gap onto my property. | was so concemed as the water
was coming through at arate , that! mentioned to Mr Barnicoat that | thought | had another water leak. He assured me
that wasn't the case as he had so much water his side of the wall that his offtce had flooded and he had 3 water pumps
going to disperse the water, something that was confirmed by Mrs Bamicoat on a separate occasion.

My biggest concern ts that my neighbour and | are on a joint water supply which runs down through their garden. 4
have contacted South West Water to establish where this pipe is but unfortunately they do not have any record of
where our pipe is. They suggested that a groundwork expert could establish where the pipe is. | mentioned this to Mr
Barnicoat but he preferred to wait and see what happens and deal with the problem as and when it occurs. SWW have
confirmed that # the extension and workshop were built over our pipe and a leak occurred my neighbour and | wouid
be responsible.

I have been told that as our properties were constructed in the 60's and we have the old style black pipe there is a
strong possibility that there will be a leak in the near future.

I feel a solution to this would be to locate our water pipe, replace it, possibty divert it to avoid any problems in the

I hope that you will take on board my concems and consider them before considering the application . This is not a
NIMBY objection just some genuine concerns.




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